Take Control of Your Financial Future Today

We help families make positive decisions that promote long-term financial independence.

From birth to retirement. And beyond.


Today’s financial products offer benefits that can generate a tax-free income you can’t outlive, provide a legacy for loved ones, and help you take care of long-term care expenses.


You care about your loved ones and want to make sure they’re protected at all times, whether you’re here or not. Is your current strategy meeting all of your legacy and accumulation needs?


Allow you to accelerate your coverage if you suffer a terminal, chronic, or critical illness such as a heart attack, stroke or cancer, or in the event of a critical injury.

About Us

Preparing for your financial future is one of the most important steps you can take in life. From tax-advantaged strategies to lifetime income solutions, we can help you create and enjoy the financial future of your dreams.

Mortgage Protection, College Funding, Living Benefits, Tax-Free Retirement, Business Preservation, Estate Planning.

With a commitment to educating Middle Americans about market alternatives, we pride ourselves on helping you make sound financial decisions. We’ll tailor a plan around your specific goals to create the peace of mind you deserve.


Our Services

Mortgage Protection

Your mortgage payment is likely your family’s largest monthly expense, and you work hard to dutifully pay down your mortgage balance every month. But what if you were to be suddenly hit with unexpected medical bills?


The average college student will graduate with $30,000 of student loan debt. With college tuition costs continuing to climb at an alarming rate, proper college planning is more critical for parents today than ever before.

Living Benefits

Living Benefits life insurance can help save your financial life, and helps protect you from the cause of over 50% of the bankruptcies in the U.S. every year – medical bankruptcy following a critical illness

Tax-Free Retirement

It used to be that many Americans enjoyed a comfortable and secure retirement with a pension and social security benefits. But pensions have been disappearing over the last couple of decades, so what can you do to get closer to the retirement you see?

Business Preservation

Your business is one of your most important assets, and you’ve spent a lot of time planning for its continued success. Death, disability, disagreement and divorce are proven business killers. There is no time like the present to address these 4 D’s.

Estate Planning

The future of America is expensive, and Uncle Sam is already taking steps to drastically expand the estate tax (aka the "Death Tax") in order to pay for it. Do you and your heirs stand to be affected? Do you have a plan in place to address that possibility?

We help eliminate uncertainty and make the most of the nest egg you’ve been working so hard to build.

Living Benefits

Are you still protecting your family and finances with the "old kind" of life insurance that only pays out if you die?

Living Benefits life insurance is the new, evolved kind of life insurance. With Living Benefits, you have the power to accelerate your death benefit while you're still living if you suffer a heart attack, cancer diagnosis, stroke, or any other Critical, Chronic, or Terminal illness.

Living Benefits safeguard your family from the cause of 50% of the bankruptcies in the U.S. every year - medical bankruptcy following a critical illness.

unexpected medical Bills leave americans in a

Health & Financial Crisis



Every single year. Of these, 515,000 are a first heart attack in the United States



Stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States



1.6 million new cases of cancer are diagnosed every year in the United States



Over half of the bankruptcies in the US every year are due to unexpected medical bill


Living Benefits Stories

"All that stress just evaporated instantly"

When Amanda Thomas was diagnosed with thoracic cancer shortly after delivering their fourth child, her family’s world was turned upside down.

Amanda Thomas

Stage 3 Thoracic Cancer

"Without living benefits, we’d be bankrupt"

When business owner Devan Shockley was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma in his calf, he and his wife Cathleen were shocked to find that their excellent health insurance left a gap of more than $30,000 to treat his cancer.

Devan Shockley

Malignant Melanoma

"I never thought it would be me"

Watch as Rickson and his wife Bianca tell the harrowing story of a sudden, unexplained cardiac arrest that left him clinging to life in a coma.

Rickson Amorim

Cardiac Arrest

ProtectING What Matters Most

Have questions? We've got answers.

Our team of associates and financial professionals are available to assist you in accomplishing your personal and retirement goals.

Their role is to educate you on the options available for meeting your financial objectives and assist you in making more informed decisions.

Let us help you eliminate the uncertainty and make the most of the nest egg you’ve worked so hard to build.

Send us a message

Preparing for your financial future is one of the most important steps you can take in life. From tax-advantaged strategies to lifetime income solutions, we can help you create and enjoy the financial future of your dreams.


2691 S Course Drive, Unit 507, Pompano Beach FL 33069

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